Here’s our latest newsletter.

We are posting it here because we’ve heard that people aren’t getting our newsletters in their inbox.

Hopefully one of the two ways we’re sending will show up!!

As we plan to return I’m going to try to post some good articles to give you some great questions that will hopefully yield great conversations. Especially with our kiddos.

We’ve had LOT’S of discussions about America:

  • What’s it like?
  • I don’t remember __________ ?
  • It will be weird to not know everyone in our neighborhood.
  • What will it feel like to drive on flat roads?
  • Is it okay that I forget ___________ ?
  • And so on….

In light of all of this here’s a link that has some good questions to ask our kiddos when you interact with them!

We have been talking about our family and friends and looking at pictures on FB reminding them of what our friends look like now (we aren’t the only ones who’ve grown).

Here’s a list of some questions that might be harder for our kids to answer.

 I have one child who will probably be willing to show off their language skills, one who is very self conscious (but still has great skills) and one who is a total wild card!

The point isn’t to not interact, but to have some great questions so you can hear how our kids live life here.

These are hopefully helpful and not discouraging.

We are so excited to see you!