Serving God
in Papua New Guinea

We are so thankful you are here! It means that you are interested in partnering with us in what God is doing around the world.

There are so many ways to be involved as equal partners in our Wycliffe ministry.

You can PRAY for us, send us an encouraging note(s), give financially, or host an evening so we can come share with you and your friends about what God is doing and the way’s to partner in our Wycliffe ministry.

This is our journey as a family to Papua New Guinea and beyond…come walk with us!

“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always’ Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” Philippians 1:20.

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Dark Days…

This talks about what I've been feeling thinking as we've prepared for a large group of our community to leave and stay.  No judgement either way, each family person has had to make hard choices.  While none of the choices seem like good ones. It's also reminded me...

Full Circle…almost!

Full Circle…almost!

28 States OVER 10,000 miles Lot's of friends, family, a few potty accidents later and we have finally made it back to San Diego! God had been so faithful to us on our journey.  In some way's I feel like we've just ended an epic quest.  However it's more like a Tolkien...

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One Heart

One Heart

During our last class ICC (Inter-Cultural Communications) we had the privilege of worshiping with a non-english speaking church.  We were honored to be with the Hunman (One Heart) Korean Church in Charolette, North Carolina. This church was small but their hearts were...

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Across America…again!

Across America…again!

Well if you've been following us for a while you know we packed up and drove across America from San Diego, CA to Waxhaw, NC in February.  That trip we went south, this time going back to CA we went North. We were able to connect with friends, and drove through many...

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