Serving God
in Papua New Guinea

We are so thankful you are here! It means that you are interested in partnering with us in what God is doing around the world.

There are so many ways to be involved as equal partners in our Wycliffe ministry.

You can PRAY for us, send us an encouraging note(s), give financially, or host an evening so we can come share with you and your friends about what God is doing and the way’s to partner in our Wycliffe ministry.

This is our journey as a family to Papua New Guinea and beyond…come walk with us!

“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always’ Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” Philippians 1:20.

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How can you partner?
Ask God what He wants you to do.

You can click below and sign up to pray for us, send notes, give a one time gift, or a recurring gift.


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Invite Us to Share at your church, homegroup or Bible Study. Or share with others on our behalf.


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What Are We Doing?

What Are We Doing?

Hi everyone, thanks for you patience as we work on getting our website and newsletters back online. We've been in America for a little while and we have been: Having some down time as a family. Share about our ministry. Reconnect with friends and family. Celebrating...

Aceves Adventures #15

Aceves Adventures #15 is here! (We know you've been waiting) Read it to find our our next steps, what and Who we are waiting on, and where we are going soon. Aceves Adventure #15 *Quick note, somehow yesterday I put an old link above.  It is fixed now and you can see...

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Almost There

The title say's it all, we are almost there! Inching towards 100% thank you for praying and for walking this journey with us. Almost There

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It’s so WEIRD

I'm not saying I'm weird, or my family is weird (which we are and I am) that's not what this post is about. It's about how weird it is to be in a space where we are saying good bye without having all our future in place. Logic and the world will tell us things like:...

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