Hi everyone, thanks for you patience as we work on getting our website and newsletters back online.

We’ve been in America for a little while and we have been:

  • Having some down time as a family.
  • Share about our ministry.
  • Reconnect with friends and family.
  • Celebrating Birthday’s in America, going to the movies, spending time at the beach, and eating!





We’ve traveled hundreds of miles and are currently in the San Diego area.

If you’re in the area we’d LOVE to connect with you.


Currently we are:

  1. Connecting with friends, family and partners. Easy ways to see us:
    •  We will be at this church https://www.clairemontemmanuel.com on Sunday’s from now to early Dec.
    •  We are sharing in both services November 21st. If you’d like to hear about our first 4 years in PNG come and join us.
    •  Wednesday Nov. 17th 6:30-8:30 pm the church will be showing the movie To the Ends of the Earth. It shows how aviation is a part of Bible translation and church planting.  It’s a great way to see why we do what we do and what it looks like for us on the field. We will be at the showing if you’d like to say hi.
  2. Trying to get dentist, doctor and other appointments done.
  3. Growing our partnership team. We’d love to go back to PNG June/July 2022 in order to do this we need to gain more partners in order to off set the cost of living that has gone up over the 4 years we’ve been out of the States.

How you can help:


Pray:  Pray for our ability to follow what God wants for our family. Pray that we can get all the things done here so we CAN go back.  Pray for people to be moved to partner with us.

Advocate: Speak on our behalf to your small group, bible study, home group or church. We are happy and excited to come share about our ministry!

Give: Would you like to give a one time gift, or partner monthly?  Every little bit helps to send us back to Papua New Guinea!


Partner Here


We’d like to thank YOU for all you have done to walk with us on our journey.


We are excited to get back to Papua New Guinea to help EVERYONE have access to God’s Word in their own language.