I believe in the power of prayer.

Jesus teaches us how to pray in Matthew

He prays for us in John.

David and other authors pray and cry out to God in Psalms which.

The Psalms have been especially comforting for me during our first 3 months here and during COVID times.

Prayers of lament, thanksgiving, praise…words to be prayed back to God.

I’m not going to claim I fully understand how prayer works.

I know my prayers in no way manipulate God into doing things a certain way (He wouldn’t be God then) but He invites us to participate in and through prayer.

He even talks about the man who went to the unjust ruler and by basically annoying the unjust ruler with his many petitions swayed him to act on his behalf.

God calls us to pray like this too.

Often we pray for people and we don’t know why, or what the outcome is.

We know you pray for us and this past Tuesday afternoon (your late Monday night for those of you in the States) we felt prayers covering us.

Our son Zeke got his hand completely closed in a door.  His finger over the metal latch.

I looked at it and saw bone (or tendon as I found out later, they are the same color though and I didn’t look too closely) and knew that we needed to have a nurse meet us at the clinic.

Here are some ways God answered prayers over my family:

  • We were at a friends house she was able to go with me and watch all the kids.
  • The nurse was able to get there quickly, the Dr. was available too.
  • Another friend who works there stayed with Zeke while I got the other kids taken care of and got ahold of Danny.
  • Danny got to us quickly and safely.
  • A family made us dinner.
  • My kids were safe with friends and I didn’t have to worry about them and could be with Zeke.
  • No broken bones or torn tendons!!

Now like I said, I’m not sure exactly how prayer works.

Was someone up late, thinking of our family and praying?

Was it just part of the many prayers of protection for our family that I feel have often covered us?

I do know that Zeke got the care he needed.  He’s got stitches and probably a cool scar.  We are continuing to pray for no infection, healing and for the pain to lessen.

He’s been able to get some left-handed writing practice in and is still seems pretty positive.

So how does prayer work?

I’m not completely sure; but we’re SO thankful.

Thankful for a God who cares and wants to hear our prayers.

Thankful for people who love and care about us and take time to pray.

Thankful that even if it had been worse, we can trust in God and His plan.  We can trust Him in the hard things like seeing our kids hurt and in pain.

Thank you for praying!