Our first official full year in school here is over.

We now have a 1st, 3rd and 5th grader!

The kids had a good year and many great teachers poured into their lives.

We are so thankful!


This is Bella’s teacher also my boss.  I work with her three days a week at school.

Yes she is even more amazing than she looks in this picture!

So amazing that I’ll be working with her next year.


This is Obi’s teacher Ms. Miller.

Obi has been learning to read, write and he can count to 188 (his favorite number) all by himself.

All three kids have grown so much this year.

We are so thankful for the staff at UISPC.

They give so much of their time and talent to our children.

If you’re a teacher; you could come here and have some of the best kids in your class!

 *All pictures used with permission